Premium Ghee Mysore Pak

Premium Ghee Mysore Pak

Regular price Rs. 179.00
Regular price Rs. 190.00 Sale price Rs. 179.00
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Select Weight: 200g


Ghee-infused Mysorepa, crafted with love and heritage ,appealing to those seeking authentic, high-quality sweets with a unique twist! Each bite of this iconic treat is a symphony of flavor, crafted with the finest ghee and traditional techniques passed down through generations. Delight in the sweet nostalgia of Mysore's vibrant streets as you indulge in the decadent richness of Ghee Mysorepak. "Embrace tradition with every mouthwatering morsel and savor the legacy of Mysore's culinary mastery".

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Ghee-infused Mysorepa, crafted with love and heritage ,appealing to those seeking authentic, high-quality sweets with a unique twist! Each bite of this iconic treat is a symphony of flavor, crafted with the finest ghee and traditional techniques passed down through generations. Delight in the sweet nostalgia of Mysore's vibrant streets as you indulge in the decadent richness of Ghee Mysorepak. "Embrace tradition with every mouthwatering morsel and savor the legacy of Mysore's culinary mastery".